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Dr. Choi's Treatment Methods 
for Holistic Health Care

Dr. Choi's personalized treatment plans combine various methods tailored to your unique health condition to achieve the best possible results.


"Holistic medicine for a healthier and happier life"


Understanding the root cause of your symptoms through holistic diagnosis is an essential first step for the most effective treatment. One of the greatest strengths of Oriental Medicine is its ability to treat symptoms along with their underlying causes, preventing related diseases from developing.

Your symptoms are the result and expression of your overall physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as your lifestyle and environment.   

Treating only the symptoms without considering the whole person and understanding the underlying causes can be an unsafe approach to healthcare in the long run.
















Through the process of holistic diagnosis and treatment, you will not only experience healing and cure, but also gain a deeper understanding of your body and health.

You are the one who knows and understands your own life experiences and lifestyle, as well as your own body and mind, better than anyone else. In this universe, you are a unique and one-of-a-kind existence. Illness and unhealthy conditions come from the unique context and content of your life as an individual unlike anyone else. You should be in charge of your own life and health-happiness management.  That's why you need to become your own doctor first. This is where medical professionals can be most effective in helping you.


Dr. Choi is here to help you improve the quality of your life. He will do his very best to find and provide the optimal solutions for you.

                                         The Universe 

Soul                                                                      Environment    Mind                                                                     Lifestyle      
Thoughts                                                             Habits              Emotions                                                             Relationships


I'm not just this Body...

I'm the Whole!

Dr. Choi's Treatment Methods
for Holistic Health Care



Holistic Diagnosis

Lotus Flower
  • Establishing the most suitable and effective treatment plan

  • A process that involves assessing subjective symptoms reported by the patient as well as objective symptoms using diagnostic methods from Traditional Oriental Medicine and incorporating knowledge from modern medicine such as diagnostics, physiology, and pathology.

  • Aiming to identify the underlying causes by collecting medical history, family history, the patient's health-related lifestyle habits, dietary patterns and methods, physical activity, emotions, and more,

  • Through this process of holistic diagnosis, you will gain a deeper understanding of your health, empowering you to actively participate in your treatment and play an important role in your health management.




Acupuncture enhances blood circulation and corrects imbalances in energy flow within the body, restoring balance to the body.


   Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment

  • Pain relief & reducing Inflammation

  • Reduction of stress and improvement of mental clarity

  • Improved sleep

  • Digestive health

  • Headache and migraine relief

  • Support for mental health

  • Allergy relief

  • Support for fertility

  • Rehabilitation and recovery

  • And  more

 A woman is undergoing acupuncture to bring balance and calmness to her nervous & organ system.
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Herbal medicine serves as a powerful treatment modality to enhance and address a variety of health conditions.

For over centuries, Oriental medicine has utilized a diverse range of herbal remedies, consisting of more than 400 types of medicinal plants. 

In recent times, scientific research employing modern methods has continually reported clinical and experimental data to substantiate the efficacy of these herbal remedies.

Herbal medicine,  an integral component of Oriental Medicine, has the ability to greatly enhance the effectiveness of treating a wide range of conditions. It provides natural and potent support to your body's metabolism, energy, blood circulation, lymphatic system, organ systems, nervous system, immune system, and hormonal balance.


Herbal medicine treatment offers a three-fold approach:


  1. Symptom Improvement and Treatment: Herbal medicine effectively addresses and treats the symptoms associated with your condition, providing relief and promoting overall well-being.

  2. Holistic Treatment: Through a comprehensive diagnostic method, herbal medicine takes a holistic approach to strengthen your body's weak areas, including the internal organs and various systems. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your health are considered and addressed.

  3. Awakening Your Body's Natural Healing Power: Herbal medicine has the remarkable ability to awaken and tap into your body's innate healing power. By supporting and optimizing your body's natural processes, it encourages self-healing and aids in restoring balance and vitality. This capacity is indispensable for maintaining and managing a healthy life over the long term.

These herbs are blended in various combinations and applied in treatments according to your constitution, symptoms, type of illness, underlying causes, and the stage of disease progression.


Dr. Choi creates a personalized prescription of 10-20 herbs that are tailored to your specific health needs and prepares them into a decoction. Each pack contains 3.5 oz of the decoction, which is taken two or three times a day.

If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, we encourage you to consult with Dr. Choi for a personalized prescription of natural herbal medicine.


  • Obesity / Overweight

  • Allergies / Rhinitis 

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Chronic indigestion and digestive disorders

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Autoimmune inflammatory diseases

  • Chronic pain disorders

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Impaired sexual function

  • Weak urinary function

  • Prolonged lack of energy

  • Chronic anemia

  • Fertility & Postpartum Care

  • Menstrual syndrome

  • Chronic stress-related conditions such as depression, anxiety, and anger

  • Burnout syndrome

  • ​And other chronic conditions.


With the expertise of Dr. Choi and the power of natural herbal medicine, you can embark on a journey towards improved health and wellness. Don't hesitate to seek the personalized care and treatment you deserve.




  • Improved Blood & Lymphatic Circulation

  • Pain Relief

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction

  • Detoxification

  • Reducing Inflammation

  • Muscle Recovery for Athletes and individuals involved in physical activities


During a cupping session, cups are placed on the skin using suction. The suction creates a vacuum, drawing the skin and underlying tissues into the cup. This promotes increased blood flow, stimulates the lymphatic system, and relaxes muscles.

clear glass bottle on brown wooden table

While cupping therapy can be effective as a standalone treatment, combining it with other therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, detoxification, personalized dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and exercise prescriptions can maximize its therapeutic benefits. This integrated approach allows for a comprehensive and synergistic treatment effect, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the healing process.

Diet Coaching


Diet / Nutritional Coaching

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  • Nutritional Assessment

  • Meal Planning

  • Portion Control

  • Balanced Nutrition

  • Macronutrient Balance

  • Micronutrient Adequacy

  • Healthy Snacking and Smart Food Choices

  • Food Label Reading

  • Supplementation Guidance

  • Hydration

  • Progress Tracking

What you eat and how you eat are among the most crucial factors that determine your overall health.

Dr. Choi Offers guidance on the most suitable healthy eating practices tailored to your unique constitution and current health status.

Life Style


Healthy Life Style Coaching

  • Nutrition and Balanced Diet

  • Healthy Habits and Behavior Change

  • Healthy Snacking and Smart Food Choices

  • Healthy Breathing Technique

  • Posture Correction

  • Physical Activity and Exercise

  • Mental Health and Stress Reduction Techniques

  • Emotional Well-being

  • Sleep Hygiene

  • Healthy Weight Management

  • Emotional Eating and Food Relationship

  • Hydration and Water Intake

  • Heart Health and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

  • Digestive Health and Gut Wellness

  • Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention

  • Managing Chronic Conditions (e.g., Diabetes, Hypertension)

  • Building Resilience

  • Immune System Support and Boosting

  • Hormonal Health and Balance

  • Energy Management and Fatigue Prevention 


These topics cover a wide range of areas for promoting a healthy lifestyle and can be tailored to meet individual needs and goals.

Enjoying Nature
Few generations of one family females squatting doing physical exercises in same way toget


Exercise Advice

  • Exercise recommendations based on your health condition.

  • Exercise types that are most needed and suitable for you, prioritization by exercise type, appropriate proportions for each exercise type, exercise volume. 

When it comes to health management, incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine is essential. 

Building a well-rounded exercise routine that combines various types of exercises will help you achieve a balanced approach to health management and maximize the benefits for your overall well-being.


'No equipment' home exercises, Aerobic Exercise, Strength Training, Flexibility and Stretching, Balance and Stability Exercises.


  • Bodyweight exercises, Resistance band exercises, Weightlifting

  • Stationary Bike Workout, Pool exercises, Brisk walking, Jogging, Cycling, Swimming, Dancing

  • Yoga, Pilates, Static stretching

  • Tai Chi, Yoga poses for balance, Balance board exercises, etc.




Detox Program 

Detox is very helpful in restoring the self- healing ability inherent in you. It's all about giving yourself the opportunity to hit the reset button and unlock the healing potential that lies within you. 

By following Dr. Choi's detox program, you'll give your body a chance to reset, eliminate toxins, and restore balance, which can have significant benefits for your overall health and well-being.

The goal of detoxification is to assist your body in getting rid of waste products from your metabolism, which includes removing toxins and reducing inflammation. By doing this, we can help restore the body's natural balance and boost energy levels by giving your organs and systems a break and replenishing them with nutrients.

Therefore, detoxification plays a crucial role not only in preventing diseases but also in managing and treating them. â€‹

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An Unique Detox Program that addresses both body purification and replenishment of essential nutrients.


  1. Detoxification - Take a detox drink three times a day, containing a blend of four ingredients, including black turmeric.

  2. Nourishment - Instead of regular meals, consume a superfood powder made from 18 organic vegetables and sprouted grains three times a day.


By simultaneously purifying the body and replenishing vital nutrients, our program maximizes its effectiveness.


Eating clean, high-quality, natural foods in adequate quantities that meet our body's needs is the most effective daily approach for detoxification.

In reality, our eating habits often fall short of providing us with clean, high-quality, and well-balanced nutrition. With processed and fast foods being readily available, it becomes challenging to find the time and resources to prepare natural foods that offer nourishment in our busy lives. Additionally, in our everyday lives, it can be challenging to consistently consume an ample variety of fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. As a result, our organs and systems become weakened due to the lack of essential nutrients, leading to toxin buildup and inflammation as our metabolic function declines.

To maintain the optimal functioning of the human body, it is crucial to ensure a balanced supply of all necessary nutrients above everything else. 

This is the reason why Dr. Choi includes the superfood powder made with 18 organic vegetables and sprouted grains in his detox program.

​Benefits of Dr Choi's 3-Day Detox Diet

Elimination of toxins / Reduce inflammation / Enhancing organ and system functions through the provision of clean and high-quality nutrition /Purify your blood / Improved immune function / Support liver function / Boost your blood & lymphatic circulation / Improved energy and vitality / Enhanced digestion / Improved bowel movement / Weight management / Clearer skin / Sleep better / Improve mental clarity & focus / Balance emotions and help improve mood.

If you have no medical conditions, detox every 2- 3 months will help you live a healthier life and prevent disease.  if you have a medical condition, it might be beneficial to detox more frequently, adjusting the frequency based on your condition.

It actively contributes to managing and improving metabolic syndrome, which encompasses conditions like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abdominal obesity, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Moreover, it can play a significant role in managing and improving various chronic illnesses.

Specifically, when it comes to treating obesity, it is often used hand in hand, yielding impressive outcomes in terms of weight loss and overall health enhancement.

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