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Dr. Choi's Treatments 
Holistic Approach and Natural Solutions 

Did you know that Oriental medicine has significantly improved the quality of life for numerous individuals suffering from various chronic diseases?


This has been made possible through its holistic treatment methods, which prioritize identifying and addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, alongside the excellent therapeutic effects of herbal medicine and acupuncture.



Natural Solutions

Holistic Approach

1. Holistic Approach

A holistic approach is crucial for addressing the root cause of symptoms and diseases, thereby preventing recurrence, worsening, and chronicity.

Just as pruning withered branches may eliminate visible signs of disease, the underlying issue at the root of the tree persists, leading to further deterioration and withering of other branches.

Oriental Medicine diagnosis specializes in identifying underlying functional weaknesses and imbalances within organs and systems behind the symptoms. Herbal medicine and acupuncture are optimized treatment methods for enhancing function and addressing imbalances.



2. Excellent Effects of Herbal Medicine:

The herbs utilized in Oriental Medicine leverage the healing energy and potency bestowed by nature.

Dr. Choi carefully selects and blends the herbs your body requires, creating personalized herbal decoctions tailored to your specific needs.

In Oriental Medicine, over 400 medicinal plants and various formulations are systematically classified to ensure optimal treatment tailored to the type of symptoms and underlying causes.

The distinguishing feature and primary advantage of herbal medicine treatment is its method of classifying herbs and crafting formulations. This process isn't solely based on symptoms; rather, it takes into account the unique functional weaknesses and imbalances present in each organ and system of the human body.


For optimal healing, addressing symptoms alongside their underlying causes is essential. This holistic approach is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the disease process.

The diverse healing energies and properties inherent in each medicinal plant are gifts from Mother Nature, empowering the treatment of a wide range of conditions.



3, Excellent Effects of Acupuncture:

An effective treatment known for improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and stabilizing the nervous system. For hundreds of years, acupuncture has been a cornerstone of mainstream healing in Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan, alongside herbal medicine. In recent decades, its outstanding benefits have been experienced by a growing number of individuals in the United States and other countries worldwide, with its popularity steadily rising each year.



4. Cupping :

Cupping has beneficial therapeutic effects in improving blood circulation, relieving muscle tension and stiffness, and restoring stability and balance to the autonomic nervous system. In Oriental Medicine, modern medical knowledge such as anatomy and neurology is integrated with traditional meridian and acupoint theories to enhance the therapeutic effects of cupping.



5. Lifestyle and Dietary Guidance:Providing guidance to patients to identify and improve lifestyle and dietary habits related to diseases is a crucial aspect of Oriental Medicine's efforts to address the root cause of the disease. These efforts may involve providing guidance on stress reduction techniques, exercise regimens, and dietary modifications tailored to each individual's needs.

Overall, the holistic and individualized approach of Oriental Medicine, combined with its emphasis on herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle interventions, makes it effective in treating a wide range of chronic conditions and promoting long-term health and wellness.


Embark on a path towards a healthier life, unlocking the significant benefits of Dr. Choi's comprehensive holistic treatment.


Seasonal Allergies 
Rhinitis, Sinusitis

Holistic Approach and Natural Solutions

Break the Cycle and Experience Lasting Relief

Bid farewell to temporary fixes and embrace lasting healing with Dr. Choi's natural solutions.

Breathe Easy, Live Comfortably 

Dr. Choi's Nasal Spray and Ointment are Different.

Experience different with Dr. Choi's advanced natural solutions which combining medicinal herbs in appropriate proportions to address both symptoms and underlying causes.


Symptoms: sneezing, stuffy, runny, and itchy nose, and itchy throat, eyes, and ears, nosebleeds, ear infections that keep coming back, snoring, breathing through the mouth.

Underlying causes: decreased blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, decreased function in the nasal mucosa that causes inflammation. 

Herbs Utilized by Dr. Choi

in Nasal Spray and Ointment

Alleviate inflammation & symptoms:                               

Magnolia Flower Bud, Xanthium strumarium, Asiasarum Heterotropoides , Slippery Elm, Japanese Honeysuckle, Forsythiae Fructus, Gardenia Fruit, Peppermint Leaf, Stinging Nettle.


Promote blood circulation in your mucous membrane: 

Angelica Root, Peony Root, Cnidium Officinale Makino, Cinnamon Twigs, Licorice Root, Astraglaus Root, Ginseng Root.


Moisturize mucous membranes: 
Liriope Platyphylla, Goji Berries, Platycodon Root.


These natural solutions are free of side effects and are safe for long-term use. For severe and chronic symptoms, daily use for 2-3 months can not only significantly alleviate symptoms but also help restore a healthy nasal mucosa, preventing recurrence and chronicity.

Herbal Medicine
& Acupuncture

If you desire not only stronger and faster improvement in symptoms but also treatment of the root causes by enhancing function and restoring balance within your system, Dr. Choi's herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are highly effective options.


Herbal Medicine: Dr. Choi carefully selects and blends the herbs your body requires, creating personalized herbal decoctions tailored to your specific needs.

Acupuncture: An effective treatment known for improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and stabilizing the nervous system. For hundreds of years, acupuncture has been a cornerstone of mainstream healing in Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Japan, alongside herbal medicine. In recent decades, its outstanding benefits have been experienced by a growing number of individuals in the United States and other countries worldwide, with its popularity steadily rising each year.

Dr. Choi's Holistic Approach & Natural Solutions
Stop the vicious cycle

Existing imbalances 
in your systems
For example, you might have weakened function in your respiratory system, digestive system, and gut, as well as imbalances in your autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, and autoimmune system. Additionally, you might have issues such as chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation, slow metabolism, depression, sleep problems, overweight, etc.
Decreased blood circulation in the nasal mucosa
Decreased function
in the nasal mucosa
Nasal allergies,
Rhinitis, Sinuses
Inflammation of the inner lining of the nose

Dr. Choi's holistic treatment helps you achieve sustainable healing by addressing both symptoms and underlying causes to end this vicious cycle.

There're 3 key factors that we must consider to be free from the recuring problems.

Your nasal mucosa membrane is not in a healthy condition, causing you to overreact to allergens.


You might have underlying conditions in your systems that could be the root causes of your nasal issues.

Since your nasal problems are not solely caused by allergens, holistic treatment and lifestyle changes that address the underlying causes are the keys to true relief.

Same allergens, different reactions in different individuals?


You need to focus on the condition of your nose and the functional state of your body systems rather than the allergens(triggers)

to escape recurring allergy symptoms and chronic rhinitis.

Most over-the-counter medications designed to target inflammation and related symptoms, offering temporary relief without addressing the underlying cause


Dr. Choi's natural solutions will restore your nose to a healthy state.

Healthy nasal mucosa is characterized by:

1    Consistently smooth blood circulation

2   Maintaining a constant warm temperature

3   Normal secretion of mucous membrane ensuring it remains moist

Unhealthy nasal mucosa is characterized by:

1  Poor blood circulation

2   Abnormal mucous membrane temperature, often lower than normal.

3   Irregular secretion of mucosal fluid, resulting in dryness and atrophy of the mucous membrane.


Identifying and improving lifestyle habits that contribute to the root cause of the disease are essential aspects of treatment. 

Your nasal problems are not something you have to live with forever if you could have right treatment approach and your effort to improve your life styles with healthy diets, exercises, healthy mental management.

Man and woman suffering from extra weight. Paunch of the woman and man sitting on the bed.


Obesity and Overweight


The key to tackling obesity is treating it as a disease and focusing on restoring a healthy body.

By addressing related health issues and the root causes, we can prevent complications and achieve sustainable weight loss without the ups and downs of yo-yo dieting. This is about creating lasting change for a healthier, happier life.

The key to addressing obesity and achieving healthy weight loss lies in improving your eating habits and lifestyle. While it is something you can undertake independently, it comes with several challenges related to consistent practice and managing your appetite.

One of the primary reasons why people fall into the trap of yo-yo dieting is attempting to make drastic changes too quickly. Instead of adopting gradual, sustainable, and enjoyable lifestyle modifications, they often opt to transform everything immediately. This approach demands a high level of willpower, which becomes difficult to sustain over the long term. Consequently, they give up, leading to a worse situation than when they started.


Therefore, seeking the guidance of a medical professional who offers a comprehensive solution can significantly enhance your chances of success.


Dr. Choi's Holistic

Obesity Treatment Program

Successful Achievement Of

Your Weight Loss Goal &​ Optimal Health



A Healthy



Muscle Mass,

Lose Only Fat







Dr. Choi's Special Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture & Cupping Therapy

Personalized Diet Plan


Personalized Lifestyle Plan

Exercise Advice


Dr. Choi takes Care Of Your Health Conditions Linked to Obesity


Common Conditions Related to Obesity;

Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, glucose toxicity, and decreased function of the digestive system, such as the liver, pancreas and guts, etc. Other factors like imbalances in nervous and hormonal systems, hypothyroidism, low body temperature, skin troubles, poor blood flow, poor lymphatic circulation, stress, weak immune system, chronic inflammation, and addictions can also be linked to obesity. These conditions are often caused by a combination of environmental factors, chronic stress, unhealthy lifestyle, and genetics.


Goal Setting

By taking a holistic approach that considers your current health, body type, and personal traits, we can set realistic and effective weight loss goals. These goals will be broken down into weekly, monthly, and final targets to help you stay on track and achieve long-term success.

Dr. Choi's obesity program is a comprehensive approach that uses various methods to tackle obesity effectively. One of the key components of the program is Dr. Choi's special herbal medicine. It helps to increase your metabolic rate and efficiency, which means your body can burn fat faster. This makes it easier for you to make lasting changes to your eating habits and lifestyle.

​The Key Benefits of Dr. Choi's Special Herbal Medicine


  1. Boosting metabolism

  2. Treating obesity-related conditions

  3. Experience natural appetite control with improved stamina and heightened alertness

  4. Promoting fat breakdown and preserving muscle mass

  5. Preventing sagging and loose skin by Improving skin health

  6. Enhancing organ system function

  7. Enhancing immunity

  8. Boosting energy & Improving vitality

  9. Improving blood & lymphatic circulation

  10. Preventing yo-yo dieting


Herbal medicine, a cornerstone of Oriental medicine, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a weight management plan by providing natural and powerful support for your body's metabolism and overall health.


Dr. Choi creates a personalized prescription of 15-20 herbs that are tailored to your specific health needs and weight loss goals and prepares them into a decoction. Each pack

contains 3.5 oz of the decoction, which is taken three times a day.


If you're struggling to manage your weight, Dr. Choi's program can help you achieve your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your health and wellbeing!

 Pain Management


Pain Management

















  • Sports Injuries

  • Auto Accident Recovery

Acupuncture, cupping and herbal medicine provide quick relief by enhancing energy and blood flow, which helps improve pain. We help you get out of dependence on painkillers, antibiotics, and steroid-type drugs that may have side effects.


In many cases, chronic pain is accompanied by a weakening of the functions of the involved organs or systems and its underlying causes.

For instance, chronic inflammation and pain in the knee and back are often associated with weakened metabolic function, and chronic headaches are often associated with weakened digestive function and autonomic dysregulation.


Dr. Choi will work with you to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms and develop a treatment plan that addresses both the root cause and the symptoms to prevent them from returning.

Chronic inflammation - long-term inflammation lasting for prolonged periods of several mon


Chronic Inflammation
Autoimmune Disorder

  • Rheumatoid arthritis 

  • Myasthenia gravis

  • Celiac Disease / Crohn's disease

  • Psoriasis

  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

  • Asthma

Dr. Choi focuses on improving overactive inflammatory responses while addressing underlying causes, such as metabolic imbalances, dysregulation of the autonomic nervous and hormonal systems, and poor gut health, etc. Whether the root cause is genetic or environmental, Dr. Choi's holistic treatment approach can significantly improve healing and overall quality of life.


Metabolic / Hormonal  Imbalance

  • Metabolic Syndrome

        Abdominal obesity, High blood pressure

        High blood sugar, High triglycerides,

        Low HDL cholesterol

  • Diabetes

  • Thyroid Disorder

Metabolic Syndrome mind map process, medical concept on blackboard.jpg

If you are currently taking medications for conditions such as high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, or obesity, Dr. Choi's treatment goal is​ for you to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the need for medication.


These conditions, if left unmanaged, can lead to serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and cancer, etc, which can greatly impact your quality of life.


While medication can help manage symptoms and prevent rapid progression to serious complications, it does not treat the root cause of the disease.


Many patients who have suffered from stroke, heart attack, or diabetic complications have been on medications for extended periods of time. Without proper efforts towards fundamental healing, patients tend to increase their dosage and the disease continues to develop in the body.


A holistic approach is essential to treat these conditions and prevent expected complications.


Improving your eating habits is crucial, but it's also important to manage stress and maintain a healthy mental state. Long-term secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, even without us realizing it, can disrupt our autonomic and hormonal systems and contribute to metabolic and many other diseases.


Experience a fundamental improvement in the quality of your life through Dr. Choi's holistic treatment.

Allergies / Autoimmune disorders
Metabolic / Hormonal  Imbalance
Mental Health
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Mental Health

Mind and body, mental health and physical health are constantly interacting and influencing each other like a living organism.


Approach of holistic medicine


If you are facing mental health issues, it is highly likely that you are dealing not only with accumulated stress and unresolved negative emotions, but also with a weakening and an imbalance in your related organs and systems.


​As an example of modern medicine that best explains the mutual influence between the mind and body, when the stress hormone cortisol is secreted more than necessary for a long period of time, it disrupts the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system and hormonal system. This leads to the weakening and imbalance of related bodily functions, resulting in various symptoms and diseases, such as poor gut and stomach health, metabolic syndrome.  The imbalance of bodily functions and the resulting illnesses in turn cause negative feelings and emotions in your mind, further exacerbating the dysfunction of the nervous system and endocrine system.

So, to break out of this vicious circle, it is essential to take care of both aspects of the mind and body at the same time. This is the holistic medicine approach.




Herbal medicine, acupuncture, and cupping therapy have shown significant therapeutic benefits in restoring mental and physical well-being by promoting balance in the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system.










                                                   In addition, Dr. Choi provides meditation techniques and mind                                                                        management methods that can be used in your daily life. This will be                                                             of great help in relieving stress and negative emotions that have                                                                      accumulated over a long period of time, and in maintaining a positive                                                           and peaceful mind.


Modifying eating habits and lifestyle is also essential in the

treatment process. Your mind plays a vital role in determining

what and how you eat. The choices you make regarding your

diet and lifestyle directly impact the condition of your body,

which, in turn, affects your mental state. When your mind

consistently maintains a state of happiness and positivity,

you naturally develop a preference for nutritious foods and instinctively avoid unhealthy options. This leads to embracing a healthy diet and adopting a wholesome lifestyle.


Therefore, cultivating a happy and positive mind is the initial prerequisite and cornerstone for a healthy life. This is the key to living a well-balanced life, both physically and mentally.

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Digestive / Gut Problems


Stomach / Gut Health

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)  

  • Chronic Indigestion 

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Peptic ulcers (Stomach ulcers)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Woman with drawn digestive system on light background, closeup.jpg
Fertility / Women's Health
Happy multi generational women having fun together - Multiracial friends smiling on camera


Fertility & Women's Health

  • Fertility

  • Postpartum Care

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Menopause symptoms 

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Endometriosis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Hormonal imbalance

Sexual Dysfunction


Sexual Dysfunction

  • Desire disorders

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)

  • Premature ejaculation (PE)

  • Delayed ejaculation

  • Vaginal dryness & pain

Holding Hands in the Sunshine
Urinary Problems
public toilet sign board with white woman and man figure and arrow on blue background or s


Urinary Problems

  • Nocturia (more than two times at night)

  • Overactive Bladder.

  • Urinary incontinence 

  • Pain or a burning sensation during urination

  • Urinating frequently in small amounts

  • Frequent urination (more than eight times during the day)

  • Urine that smells strong

  • Difficulty with flow

  • Enlarged prostate

Other Conditions
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Other Conditions

  • Rhinitis

  • Tinnitus

  • Bell's palsy

  • Gout

  • Plantar Fascitis (Heel pain) 

  • Shingles

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Chronic Migraine

If you are experiencing a chronic condition that has not been mentioned above, do not hesitate to consult with Dr. Choi to discuss the potential for improvement, effective management strategies, or possible treatment options. Even if the diseases have different names or symptoms, it is important to identify the underlying root cause and pursue holistic treatment to enhance your quality of life. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Choi and explore the possibilities for improving your overall well-being.

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